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Doctor's Appointment

Breast augmentation in Naples


Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is the operation that produces an increase in the volume of the breasts through the insertion of prostheses. The most common skin incisions for insertion are periareolar, inframammary and axillary. The operation is performed under general anesthesia or sedation and local anesthesia, depending on the case, and at the end of the operation a simple dressing is applied with an elastic bra which must be worn for approximately twenty days.
After a few decades of use, one can rely on the biocompatibility and resistance of the prostheses and exclude any correlation between their presence and the onset of breast cancer.


Breast augmentation surgery is widely standardized, but like all surgeries it has generic and specific complications associated with it. The most common specific complication is capsular contracture. It must be said that with the advent of the latest prosthetic devices, this eventuality occurs very rarely. There are various degrees of contracture and, in the most serious cases, a new surgical operation is indicated which may weaken the capsule, or remove the capsule itself and, in some cases, it may be necessary to change the prosthetic implant. Another event that can occur, albeit in a very low percentage of patients, is the development of an infection around the prosthesis. In the event of implant rupture, even if there is no urgency, it is necessary to undergo a revision operation to remove the gel, clean the pocket of silicone residues and replace the breast prosthesis.


The surgery

The method of insertion of the prostheses and the type of approach depend on the patient's anatomy. The incision can be positioned in the inframammary fold, around the areola or in the axillary cavity. Working through this incision creates a pocket above or below the muscle and positions the implant. If the patient has very little glandular tissue which does not guarantee good coverage of the prosthesis, it is preferable to choose sub-muscular positioning. Drainage tubes can be used in some cases and removed a few days after surgery.
The operation lasts approximately 1 hour and the incisions are closed without external stitches in order to improve their final appearance.

The new look

If the patient's expectations are realistic, satisfaction with the procedure is very high.
Breast augmentation can change your appearance and restore that lost self-confidence, but it does not necessarily change your look according to your desires or change the way the people around you behave.

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